Soulmate Sketch

If you’re single and wondering what your soulmate may look like, it’s time to stop wondering. There’s a psychic service online that has become a bestseller with thousands of satisfied customers. Soulmate Sketch claims to be able to sketch your potential soulmate with just a few details from you.’ Not only is it based onContinue reading “Soulmate Sketch”

Yoga Burn

Over the past year and a half, with Covid raging all over the world, we’ve all been told to stay home more. Gyms have been closed indefinitely… and even when reopened, the hassle of working out with a mask aggravates thousands of people. As a society, we’ve gained even more weight and led an evenContinue reading “Yoga Burn”

Midas Manifestation

Times are tough these days. With the pandemic, job losses, government mandates and so on, keeping one’s chin up is becoming a Herculean task. More and more people are turning to methods like the law of attraction (LOA) and positive thinking to help them get through the current madness in life, and hopefully manifest miraclesContinue reading “Midas Manifestation”

AstroTarot Reading

Tarot cards are usually seen as ominous objects that wrinkly old gypsy women wield to predict some looming prophecy that’s about to ruin you. This misconception is something Hollywood has created and popularized. In reality, tarot cards are just a tool to help psychics gain an insight into your future. Even this should be takenContinue reading “AstroTarot Reading”

Fortune Reading

Everyone loves opening up fortune cookies and reading the cryptic predictions in there. After all, why wouldn’t anyone want some cosmic guidance in your life to give you an edge? We all do… and that’s why horoscopes in the newspapers are so popular. However, most astrology readings are inaccurate and vague. To get the mostContinue reading “Fortune Reading”

Trump 2020 Gold Plated Coin

No president who ever walked the earth has been more polarizing than President Donald Trump. He has his fans and his detractors… and even after conceding defeat in 2020, his popularity now is even higher. President Biden’s botched pull out of Afghanistan, the rising fuel prices, the mob mentality of the ‘woke’ crowd have onlyContinue reading “Trump 2020 Gold Plated Coin”

Unlock The Scrambler

Never in the history of humankind has there been a time when it’s more difficult for men to get a date with women than now. With all the terms such as ‘toxic masculinity’, mansplaining, etc. it’s almost as if there’s a secret agenda to emasculate men – and maybe there is one that fits aContinue reading “Unlock The Scrambler”

His Secret Obsession

Making a marriage work is hard work. It really is. That’s why 1 out of every 2 marriages ends in divorce or separation. With the current pandemic, rising cost of living, ridiculous government overreach and so on, it’s harder than ever before to make a marriage work because the external stresses of life impact marriagesContinue reading “His Secret Obsession”

Soulmate Sketch

If you’re single and wondering what your soulmate may look like, it’s time to stop wondering. There’s a psychic service online that has become a bestseller with thousands of satisfied customers. Soulmate Sketch claims to be able to sketch your potential soulmate with just a few details from you. Not only is it based onContinue reading “Soulmate Sketch”